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A member registered Sep 14, 2021

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second hint if needed its at night

simple answer 10. she explains it

it's a story line. (with one creepy part)

On pc I found the scroll wheel works.

I'm stuck on the one after that

where are the bugbears I thought I  at least  checked every section A couple times

(1 edit)

it literally takes 24 steps to get to the end. if you are able to move away the pebbles it's still 23 steps

(edit) I figured it out.  hint You need to take a break. also follow what other people's advice is in the comments. :)

It felt like it got cut short but it looks promising.

this was a pretty good one. another one I saw and can recommend was "Mist" its good gameplay and it looks good too.

I was kind of skeptical in the beginning but it turned out to be really good game. also never judge a book by its cover that person might help you out in the end lol.

Wow I just finished this update. is there any other platforms you guys use? besides patreon.

10/10 bohemian Rapsody joke. it was well placed and got me to laugh.

From what I could tell the "chastity" is basically your armor. Not to sure how it is calculated but if it's above 0 then good enough lol just keep lust low.